women's retreat 2024

The Places God Meets Us

You are invited to get away for a weekend with other women in the body of Christ at this year's Women's Fall Retreat on September 20-22, 2024 at Eagle Cap Chalet, Wallowa Lake, OR. Consider inviting a friend to join you for a weekend in the Word, fellowship, and fun activities (i.e. hiking, miniature golf, swimming, or downtown Joseph).

This year, our guest speaker will be Crystal Wright, who will focus on God's presence in your unique journey and the intimate relationship He shares with you through every season of life. She will explore recurring themes of Scripture that illustrate the paths God leads us on and how to recognize His steadfast faithfulness as He pursues you, His daughter, in a never-imaginable place.

Total cost for lodging (dbl. queen) and meals vary depending on occupancy: 

$123 (4 per room)

$152 (3 per room)

$210 (2 per room)

 $385 (1 per room) 

Register by August 4th! 

Please fill out our online registration form below (only for 2 per room occupancy). All other occupancies are to be registered in person. 

Questions? Contact us at women@ccfww.org

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